Yonic South - Yonic South - SD-073
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DownloadSpheredelic´s first release in April is the self titled live album by Yonic South who are going to perform a concert at the Spheredelic Release Party on 29.04.17.
Yonic South is a duo, the members are Trigal (ARG/BERLIN) and Adrian Bang (FR/BERLIN).
Trigal aka Juan A. D´Amico played for 2 decades in HC punk bands, both in Argentinia and Spain. Meanwhile he decided to focus his energy on psychedelic music, in which you can hear his South American roots as well as the influences of experimental music from Japan and Germany. He has been touring several times over USA, South America and Europe.
Adrian Bang is a recognized performer, arranger and visual artist, being a memeber or frequent collaborator with determinant psychedelic bands in the last decade: Agua Nebula Oscillator/ Telescopes/ The Box/ Vince & His Lost Delegation/ Jack Of Heart/ Kadaver. Nowadays he is performing on analog tapes with various effects and textural devices, aided by his own still or moving visual creations. He has been touring several times over Europe and USA.
Yonic South´s live performances are unique events. Although they are based on the tape recordings of Adrian Bang and 4 and 6 string instruments played by Trigal, they create each time something completely new by rich improvisation and the massive usage of effects and devices. This way emerges a spiritedness of the psychedelic sound experience which can be also heard on the album. The music is not instantly accessible. You have to give the pieces (some of them are half an hour long) their time to evolve. If you do so, sound spheres will evoke sonic ecstasy.