Somnambule - Somniotic - SD-004
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DownloadSomnambule presents the second album. A concept album, that will carry you into the domains of sleep...
Almost a year ago A. R. Funkhauser, together with the singer Jewel, released the debut album "Spheredelic", as the project Somnambule. Now the new, eight track album titled "Somniotic" is available. This is a concept album that interprets the theme of sleep from different aspects. Sleep serves as a metaphor on the socio-critical level. Psychological and philosophical trains of thought, but also psychedelic experiences on the subject of sleep are incorporated here. Likewise, the mythological and mystical aspects are thematized. Sleep is a multifaceted experience, which this album represents in a musical way.
All eight pieces are individually oriented and span a range from spherical sounds to sacral bombast to the depths of auditory soundscapes. Somnambule had invited three guest musicians for "Somniotic". The jazz guitarist Jan Poppinga played the guitar parts for the piece "Moonlight Serenade for Ambulant People"; for the track "New Dawn" the futujara player Alexandre Viain joined in; the soprano Petra Baartsch enriched the bombast piece "Awake!" with her striking voice.