Saint De L’ Abime - The Complete Invertcaution - SD-062
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Download'The Complete Invertcaution' could without hesitation be used as the soundtrack for a spooky movie, as the backgroundmusic for a hike in a dark forest after midnight, or even as the muzzak in a dystopian elevator. Slowly erupting soundscapes made out of noise and strange noises, some pianosound here and there bursting through the dark nature of the ambient beneath, modern effects as well as few pushing, yet still minimalistic beats.
'The Complete Invertcaution' is no party record, it rather invites the listener to just close his eyes and make up his own movie in his inner eye. No chorus refrain, chorus schematic, but rather a constantly changing story, filled with almost silent piano melodies, drone-soundscapes and many more sounds.
'Saint De L'abime' are new on the spheredelic label, but if you look them up online you will see: dang, they have a lot of releases already! The spectrum of this music reaches from minimalistic drone to strange ambient and dark contemporary classical music, all with the common topic to send the listener on a musical voyage by himself...