Neverman - Phantom Express - SD-067
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DownloadIn the beginning of the new year we present you a unusual album, out of the deep from the Underground. The release with the title "Neverman" is no traditional music-album. Rather it is a short story in form of different diary-entries - a testimony of the search of the son for his father. A search for the own origin.
The musical component of Neverman is embossed von heavy distortitons and much echo. For the course of the story it gives much space.
The artist Nevermind was born half machine & half human he explores the deepest realms of mind, time and space. He shares his experiences and stories trough music, sailing on the funk grooves or taking you through the darkest of all darkness in raw black metal. Not limiting himself to any genre or style Neverman, a bass virtuoso, could easily be the unknown brother of artists such as “Buckethead”. However his musical activity stands since the year 1999.