Lutz Thuns - On The Other Side - SD-043
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DownloadIn August Spheredelic presents the album „On The Other Side“ by Lutz Thuns. The Cover art created by the Vienna artist Kuki Walsch.
Lutz Thuns was born 1958 in Berlin. He has devoted himself to electronic music since 2008. He uses digital and virtual analogue synthesizers – producing a relaxed ambient sound.
He exhibits various album releases on Bandcamp in collaboration with Wolfgang Gsell. Another collaborating project with Harald Bertram is called 11er Morph. Currently he is busy recording together with several musicians under the title „Friends of Ambient“.
The music on „On The Other Side“ is deeply embedded in the German Electronic Music of the 70s. Minimal melodic structures create an almost epic projection, combining the individual retro-sounds into a coherent entity. Hectic arpeggios melt with spherical pads, evolving an organically vivid monotony of pleasant rhythm.
The listener is elevated into a mystical realm of cheerful contemplation. Thus the aesthetical retrospective unfolds a futuristic vision of Neo-Psychedelia...