EPiOS - Elefusika - SD-126
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DownloadOur latest release is a re-release, so to speak. The LP "Elefusika" by EPIOS was already released in 2008 as a physical medium on CD. EPIOS is another project of label owner André R. Funkhauser and therefore he thought it was time to release "Elefusika" on Spheredelic.
The LP consists of very different tracks that have influences of Techno, Electronica and triphop, from which an own style has emerged.
The first track "Take Speed Or Rest" is strongly influenced by a very technoid rhythm and therefore extremely danceable. The vocals come from the singer "Jewel" who is also part of the duo "Devas".
The second track "Turn it around" is calmer and more strongly influenced by trip-hop elements.
The slower third track "Hunting" is also characterised by trip-hop elements and the vocals are again dominated by "Jewel".
Track 4 "Do it right" is the track on "Elefusika" that is somehow different. Characterised by Electronica and TripHop, this track has something rocky in the way it is structured, even if the electric guitar is missing.
With the 5th track "Resolve the Past" it becomes more techno again, the very percussive rhythm drives you forward when you dance to it.
Number 6 "Travellers" has a very spherical sound. Here Electronica and Triphop meet light Ethno elements influenced by the vocals of "Jewel".