Ego Death - The Clean Slate - SD-059
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Download"In search of a place, in which the darkness of the past is long forgotten and instead being replaced by learning and growth. In search of endless peace, even though everything around us seems to be senseless suffering."
The second release for the month September is titled "The Clean State", composed and brought into life by "Ego Death". If you want to categorize it, "psychedelic electronic music" would be fitting, as the creator himself said. The origin of this record can be found in a time in the composers private life, full of restlessness, chaos and many changes.
"The Clean State" is straight and very well executed ambient music. Many of the 12 tracks or devoid of any beats, not forcing it into a specific direction, hence giving the music ample room to delve in his own ideas. The focus is more on the interaction of the instrumentalisation and the evolution of musical tension. Even the more rhythmic songs gain their attraction by simply being humble and reserved.
"Ego Death" is the alias of south-american artist "Bryn Braughton", who went on his musical path around 1996, at he age of 13. Since then, Bryn composed around 5000 songs during his already 20 years long musical career. Some other projects of his are "The Ghola", "The Bryn", "Perched Sparrow" and a collaboration with "Noah Hornberger" named "11:11".