Devas & Somnambule - Live Somewhere In The Solar Sytem - SD-020
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DownloadSpheredelic celebrates its 3rd anniversary and its 20th release. This fact is going to be adequately acclaimed with the release of overall five albums in December.
Spheredelic´s 20th release comes from Devas and Somnabule (A.R. Funkhauser, Jewel and Sigyn M) and is entitled "Live Somewhere In The Solar System". A 115 minutes long track reflecting an interpretation of our solar system, which beams the listener into the cosmos of drones and soundscapes. It was recorded live - in just one take - without overdubs.
Furthermore we provide you with 4 albums by the experimental musician Christian Fiesel. Look forward to the albums: "Smile With An Ambinece", "Construction Time On Luna Landscapes", "After The Flood" and "Signals of Fire" which present a profile of Christian Fiesel´s producing art. Each single album is going to inspire you with diverse experimental sounds! The releases are as usually available for free download!!
At this point Spheredelic would like to thank you sincerely for your support over the past three years.
Big thanx to all of you and big up for the next years...!!!