Christian Fiesel - After The Flood - SD-021
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DownloadAt the third annviversary of Spheredelic there comes in December four releases by Christian Fiesel. In this week will be released the album „After The Flood“.
„After The Flood“ is a classical electronic records, with synthesizers and sequencers. A reminiscence to the high times of german electronic music of the 70ties. Most stricking to Christian, is the massive stake of rhythm and dynamic.
For Christian Fiesel is and was „After The Flood“ always a soundtrack to science fiction movies. Additional to the album, was produced a impressionistic videoclip, for the track „After The Flood (Part 1 Silent Surface)“. The videoclip was produced by the video team „Where Death Is Most Alive“, from Greece. The clip can be watched under the category „Videos“.
The release is as usually available for free download! We wish you much fun with the videoclip and the album release!