Build Your House Underground - Year: MMXVI - SD-061
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DownloadIn this Month Spheredelic presents the album "Year: MMXVI" von "Build your house Underground". The album were initiated from Roman Mzharov. Roman is a socialworker in a psycho-neurological internat in the russian St. Petersburg. The Internat take care of people with physical and mental disabilities. The project calls Perspektivy, which website is accessible under http://www.perspektivy.ru/eng/.
In the total up to 25 Members were envolved in the six months emergence-time of the album. During the time the supervised people learning to handle computers, mobile Phones und Tablets, to make music with them. All of the tracks were played und recorded live. This enabled countless hours of making and recording music. Time for many errors und new experiences.
The music is very experimentl. There was much space to explore the pure sound, which maintain itself. Because of the live recording the musician idea could developed freely. The result is very pure Ambientsound. Last but not least the titles are an evidence for the free and creative teamwork and let imagine, how many happiness and pleasure this peace of work has brought into reality.
We are very thankful for the nice music and send best greets to St. Petersburg, to Roman, to his team and to espacially to all the musicians!