Black Oil Documents - Das Unaufhoerliche - SD-028
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DownloadSpheredelic presents "The Nikki Grace Experience" and Christian Fiesel on the common path of sounds.
Black Oil Documenst is a german experimental band, musically between electronic/ ambient musick and post/progressive rock sited.
Marko Hupel, who's already quite known to a wider audience with his main project "The Nikki Grace Experience" joint forces with the electronic musician Christian FIesel (who already released five works on Spheredelic) to seek for new ideas and influences.
"Das Unaufhörliche" (the ceaselessly) is the 3rd release of the band. A very electonic and melodic album, created last summer as a by-product to a differet opus. A silent river moving from the last beams of late summer to the cold rain of autuum morning rain.