Alien Nature & Lutz Thuns - Nocturnus - SD-095
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DownloadClosing in on this year, we at spheredelic would like to gift you yet another beautiful record. It is called Nocturnus and has been recorded by Lutz Thuns & Alien Nature. Lutz Thuns might sound familiar to our listeners, well he did release a record prior to this one on our label like 3 years ago!
Nocturnus is a 6 track record, but still manages to have a full runtime of 76! minutes. Well, it is after all an ambientrecord, so having long tracks on it is a given must. Yet still, this precious playtime still has to be filled with proper music. In collaboration with Alien Nature, they put together wobbling synthesizer-soundscapes, constantly coomunicating with some eerie space-whale-humms, hissing drones intertwined by spiritual bells, minimalistic melodic structures dancing with stakkatoesque electronic Drums. There is a lot of stuff going on in this music, yet still, you never feel overwhelmed by the sound, since each and every instrument, sound and harmony gets enough space to neither get lost in the composition nor overwhelm the listener, being in perfect balance for the listener to enjoy.
Lutz Thuns and Alien Nature they released a lot of different, yet mostly ambient, music through different sources. So if you dig this sound of Nocturne, feel free to check out other music by him which can be found