Accent Aigu - Astral Flowers - SD-058
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DownloadThe second release in August is the album „Astral Flowers“ by Accent Aigu.
Behind the name Accent Aigu hide the musicians Max Gael Martin (Kazahstan) and Izgina (USA). They describe their music as experimental/electro/ambient. The project was founded in 2011.
On the album they used such instruments as guitar, harp, tambourine, flute, bells, shackles + guitar and many other secret things. The compositions are inspiringly minimalistic and engaging at the same time.
„Astral Flowers“ abducts the listener into a realm full of psychedelic magic.
After just a few chords you feel like you are hyptonized by an unvisible shaman´s hand. Staying contemplative a deep emotion of joy, calmness as well as curiosity evokes. This is not just a journey into sound - it´s a soul expanding experience.
Accent Aigu:
All was written very like homemade which gives the sound "live" and "natural" live-sound as it was originally conceived. The basic concept and the idea of the album can be expressed - "Flight and human immersion in exactly the mystical mood of the ancient customs and rituals along with the mystical mood of our time, a time when the perception is distorted and the world see us as a silent vastness of eternity."